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Follow-up Webinar: Questions and Answers: Your Next Modern Slavery Statement
March 22, 2022 @ 12:00 am UTC+0

Under the Modern Slavery Act, calendar year reporting entities have less than 3 months until the end of their new reporting period.
We answered your questions
In the original webinar on April 5, we asked, “What must your company do before the end of the reporting period to ensure continuous improvement and compliance with the Modern Slavery Act?”
Our audience asked a number of insightful questions – on 27 April we came back to answer them
Kimberly Randle, of Fair Supply, and Serena Grant, of Walk Free, covered information that every business needs to know about dealing with the risk of modern slavery in their supply chains.
Some businesses need this information to comply with their obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth).
But all businesses are at risk of great reputational damage if they fail to take adequate steps to keep their supply chains free of modern slavery.
Find out:
- What is expected of reporting entities at the close of their second reporting period
- How to ensure your company is demonstrating continuous improvement
- What best practice looks like for reporting entities
Some of the questions we answered
- Is there process evaluation on the methodologies applied by the respondent companies on the audit process especially to achieve ‘beyond compliance’ satisfaction? Does the evidence-base indicate that roles like ‘sustainability officers’ are effective to facilitate checks and balances?
- We talk about collaboration – what is the risk of being deemed to be acting collusively and how do we work beyond that?
- Have there been instances where suppliers would prefer to break their contracts with organisations rather than put in a corrective action plan?
- What are some of the salient risks you’ve found in professional services providers (eg consultants, accountants, law firms, recruiters)?
- What would the biggest risk for a construction company be?
- Are there any guidelines for tertiary education bodies where nothing is manufactured etc?
Download a copy of our Modern Slavery Due Diligence Support Brochure
Download or view the recording of the original webinar
Download or view the recording of the follow-up webinar
GRC Solutions once again partners with Fair Supply to make this occasional webinar available to our clients.
Our Presenters
Kimberly Randle, founder and CEO of FairSupply, is an experienced and innovative human rights advocate specialising in modern slavery. Kimberly has over 15 years experience working in law and human rights for top tier firms in Australia and the United States, previously holding the role of Senior Director of Corporate and Legal for International Justice Mission Australia. Kimberly is a sought-after expert and speaker in the field of modern slavery and has been called upon to provide evidence for both the NSW and Commonwealth Parliamentary Inquiries into Human Trafficking
Serena Grant leads business engagement on modern slavery at Walk Free, an international human rights group focused on the eradication of modern slavery. Walk Free is responsible for the Global Slavery Index. Serena is part of the Secretariat of the Bali Process Government and Business Forum. Serena has previously worked as a corporate lawyer in London, Sydney and Tokyo and most recently as a Director at the Thomson Reuters Foundation in London. Serena holds a BA/LLB from the University of Western Australia.
GRC Solutions Resources
Modern Slavery Training (Australia)
A three module course covering an introduction to modern slavery, techniques for keeping it out of your supply chains, and complying with the Australian law Details here
Modern Slavery (Non Jurisdictional)
Two modules on identifying and preventing modern slavery Details here
Facilitated Learning for directors and officers Contact us to enquire
Consulting on your compliance systems Details here